Website Manager






Southline Little League is dedicated to the full development of ALL players regardless of age and skill.  The expectation of our coaches is that it is their responsibility to follow these guidelines so every player learns to enjoy the game.

 Each manager will be responsible for their team and parents.  It is important to everyone at Southline Sports, and our community, that we all show sportsmanship at all times.  Sportsmanship consists of positive coaching, attitudes, and encouragement at all times.

Travel players are required not just to be on a house roster but to show up and participate in games. The "half plus one" rule states that in order for a player to be eligible for a travel game, he must have participated in more than half of his house games to date. At the discretion of the board, eligibility to participate in travel games may be suspended for any player who is not in compliance. Coaches, please let us know if you have a travel player who is neglecting house responsibilities.

Baseball Rules:


1.       All games will consist of six (6) innings or a two (2) hour time limit whichever comes first.

2.       Games are to be played on a Little League Regulation Diamond (60 feet).

3.       No new inning may be started within fifteen (15) minutes of the time limit.

4.       Tie games count as a tie if either the six (6) innings have been completed or the assigned time limit has been met.  Excluding playoffs.

5.       Bat the complete roster.

a.       The inning will come to an end when either three (3) outs have been made, you batted your complete lineup, or the maximum runs have been scored.

                   i.      Each team will be limited to six (6) runs scored for each inning except in the final inning (PLEASE announce the final inning if the last inning is prior to the sixth as there is no limit on runs scored the last.)  Once the sixth (6) run scores, the teams will switch.

b.       The number of batters per inning will be determined by the team with the larger roster.

                      i.      Example: Team A has 12 players while Team B has 11.  Therefore each team can bat 12 players each inning unless three (3) outs have been made or the maximum run total has been plated.

6.       Twelve (12) plus one (1) rule will be in effect.

a.       If a team is leading by at least twelve (12) runs at the end of an at bat, the teams switch.  The trailing team will bat as normal.  If the trailing team is still down by twelve (12) runs at the end of their at bat, the leading team will bat until three (3) outs or one (1) run is scored.  Once a run is scored, the teams switch.  This rule is only in effect if there is a difference of twelve (12) runs during the game.

7.       The Umpire will feed the balls into the pitching machine and will notify the batter on how many pitches remain on each pitch.

a.       Balls and Strikes Looking, as such, are not called and therefore no walks will be awarded.

b.       For teaching purposes, the strike zone is defined as: “Any pitch whose height is between the bottoms of the batter’s knees to the batter’s shoulders and extends one ball width on either side of the plate”.

8.       Catcher Speed-Up Rule will be in-effect when there are two (2) outs and the assigned catcher for the next inning is on the bases.  The last batter who recorded an out will be assigned as the pinch runner to allow the player to dress for catcher position.

9.       Eight (8) players must be present in order to play.

a.       A fifteen (15) minute grace period is granted for the player to arrive.

10.   All male participants must wear a protective cup.

11.   Metal spikes are not allowed.

12.   Pine tar or rosin is not allowed.



1.       The pitching machine will be placed 45 feet from home plate.

2.       In an all dirt infield, a circle will be marked simulating the pitcher’s mound.

a.       The player positioned on the pitcher’s mound is to be placed on either side of the pitching machine but never in front of the first leg of the pitching machine.  One foot in the circle and one foot out of the circle.

b.      The player positioned on the pitcher’s mound must wear a helmet with a facemask.

3.       Because of the consistency of the pitching machine (height of the pitched ball), a player will be allowed to move toward the pitcher or toward the catcher in such a manner that might otherwise cause the hitter to be considered out of the batter’s box.

a.       If the batting team chooses, a “hitting coach” will be allowed.  Positioned at the back of the backstop assisting the batter where to stand for the best chance for contact.

4.       If the pitching machine becomes off center or wild, the pitching machine may be adjusted upon both coaches agreement regardless of where they are in the inning. BAD PITCHES DO NOT COUNT. If a pitch is such that the machine requires adjustment, do not count the previous pitch as one of the batter's five.

5.       The speed of the pitching machine will be set at lower speed for the first half of the season (6 games), gradually increasing from 37MPH to 40 MPH by the end of the season.  The intent is to ensure that the majority of the children are comfortable hitting the ball before increasing the speed.  As skill sets improve the speed should gradually be increased to the maximum of 40 MPH by the end of the season.

6.       If a batted ball hits the pitching machine, umpire, or comes to a rest under the pitching machine, it is declared as a dead ball situation.  The batter will be awarded first base and all runners will advance one base.  If a thrown ball comes to rest underneath the pitching machine, a dead ball is called.


1.       All present players will be in the batting order.

a.       A player arriving after the start of the game will be placed at the bottom of the line-up.

2.       Each team must provide their line-up to the opposing manager before the start of the game.

a.       Each team is required to keep a scorebook for the game and the final score should match at the end of the game.

b.       Position assignment sheets for each game must be utilized and saved by the manager, and may be collected by the League Commissioner at any time during the season.

3.       Managers are required to rotate players around to different positions during the course of the game.  A clear disregard of player rotation guidelines will constitute grounds for manager removal and impact upon future manager and coaching considerations.

4.       Ten (10) players may be placed on the field defensively.

a.       Catcher, Pitcher, 2nd baseman, Shortstop, 3rd baseman, 1st baseman, (4) Outfielders.

                                                               i.      No short fielder is allowed.

b.       Teams must always dress a catcher. Catcher must wear provided gear and be situated behind home plate (not off to the side.)

c.       No individual may play more than two (2) innings at the same position during the course of the game. 

d.       Every player must play at least two (2) innings in the Outfield.

e.       No player may sit more than one (1) inning until every available player has also sat one (1) inning.

f.        Each player should be given the opportunity to play the widest range of infield and outfield positions possible.  However, player safety and confidence must be given consideration in making position assignments. Catcher development is a point of emphasis this year. As such, catcher is considered an infield position.


1.       The batter must wear a helmet.  Facemasks are encouraged but not required.

2.       Maximum bat diameter is 2-5/8” inches.

a.       All metal bats must be USA Baseball approved.

b.       Composite two piece bats are allowed.

c.       Wooden bats are allowed.

3.       Each batter will receive a maximum of five (5) pitches from the pitching machine.

a.       If the ball is fouled on the last pitch, the batter will be awarded an additional pitch as needed.

b.       If the batter does not swing on the fifth (5) or final pitch, the batter will be called out.

4.       If a batter throws the bat after a swing, a warning will be issued to the batter.  If the same player displays this action again after being warned, they will be ruled out.

5.       There is no bunting.

6.       There is no Infield Fly Rule.


1.       A first and third base coach are allowed on the field while their team is at bat.

a.       A “hitting coach” is permissible as previously mentioned.


1.       Players may not lead off or steal.

2.       Players may not leave the base until the ball is hit.

3.       There is no advancement on overthrows that go out of play.

4.       A batter may not be allowed to take extra bases on an infield hit ball due to defensive indifferences.

5.       When a batted ball has reached the outfield, the baserunners will finish the play as a normal baseball play and could be called out.  However, once a player from the infield has gained possession of the ball the runners will be marked at their current position.  At the finish of the play, if the runner was not more than half way to the next base, they will need to return to the previous base.  If they were more than half way, the player will be allowed to remain at their current base. (POINT OF EMPHASIS - RUNNERS' PROGRESS WILL BE MARKED BASED UPON WHERE THEY WERE WHEN DEFENSIVE POSSESSION OF THE BALL IN THE INFIELD WAS GAINED.)

6.       All bases must be touched by the baserunner. If a baserunner fails to make contact with a base, the runner will be called out.

7.       If a preceding baserunner advances beyond the runner in front of him or her, the trailing runner will be ruled out one the current play has ended. The lead runner may advance as part of the normal course of play.

8.       Batted ball contact with a runner will be enforced out.


1.       A defensive player may not block the base/base path when there is no play on the runner. Failure to observe this rule may result in the awarding of the base to the runner.

2.       Runners must slide or otherwise attempt to avoid contact with a fielder in possession of the ball waiting to make a tag. If the umpire deems a collision is intentional or flagrant, the offending player will be called out. In this instance, the ball is dead and trailing runners may not advance. This is a judgment call as the players’ safety is the primary concern.




 Southline Little League is dedicated to the full development of ALL players regardless of age and skill.  The expectation of our coaches is that it is their responsibility to follow these guidelines so every player learns to enjoy the game.

 Each manager will be responsible for their team and parents.  It is important to everyone at Southline Sports, and our community, that we all show sportsmanship at all times.  Sportsmanship consists of positive coaching, attitudes, and encouragement at all times.


Travel players are required not just to be on a house roster but to show up and participate in games. The "half plus one" rule states that in order for a player to be eligible for a travel game, he must have participated in more than half of his house games to date. At the discretion of the board, eligibility to participate in travel games may  be suspended for any player who is not in compliance. Coaches, please let us know if you have a travel player who is neglecting house responsibilities.

Baseball Rules:


1.      Games played on a 60-ft. Little League regulation diamond.

2.      Games are 6 innings or two hour time limit – whichever comes first. A new inning cannot begin within 20 minutes of time limit.

3.      Catcher may not talk to the batter.

4.       12 +1 Rule will be in effect. If a team is up by at least 12 runs any time during an at bat, the teams switch. The trailing team will be at bat as usual. If the trailing team is still down by 12 runs, the leading team will be able to bat until 3 outs or a max of 1 run is scored. Once a run is scored, the defensive team returns to bat. This rule is only in effect if a team is up by 12.

5.      Half inning ends after 6 runs are scored.

6.       After the third inning the losing team does not have the 6 run rule. They can score as many runs until the losing team at the beginning of the inning is up by 1 one. For example if team A is losing to team B 9-1 at the beginning of the 4th inning team A could make the score 9-10 then the inning would end.

7.      Use first and numbers  in the scorebook.

8.       For any rule not listed, refer to the Little League Handbook.


1.      Pitcher may a max of 60 pitches or total of 6 consecutive outs. Once removed off the mound, they cannot re-enter as a pitcher. If the pitcher is removed after 40 pitches they may not be allowed to play the catcher position. The following is a list of rest to pitch count required.

                                                              i.      51-60 Pitches= 3 days rest (played on Wednesday cannot pitch till Sunday)

                                                             ii.      36-50 Pitches = 2 Days Rest

                                                           iii.      21-35 Pitches = 1 Day Rest

                                                           iv.      1-20 Pitches = no rest needed

2.      Pitch Counts will need to be reported to Umpires at the end of the game

3.      It is strongly recommended that you pitch 9 year-olds.

4.      The dropped 3rd strike rule is not in Effect.


1.      No player may sit more than 1 inning until every player on the bench has sat 1 inning. Every player must play at least 1 inning in the outfield. 

2.      Ten players on defense allowed with the 10th player being a 4th outfielder. The 4th outfielder must play in line with other outfielder no short fielders are allowed. Teams need 8 players to prevent forfeit. There is a 15-minute waiting period allowed for the 8th player.

Each player should be given the opportunity to play the widest range of infield and outfield positions possible.  However, player safety and confidence must be given consideration in making position assignments.


1.       Bats must comply with USA Baseball regulations and must be identified with USA Baseball identification.  There are no restrictions on bat diameter provided it complies with these regulations.

2.      Bat until 3 outs are made or until 6 runs are scored in the inning. In the final inning there is no limit on the amount of runs that can be scored. Final inning needs to be announced prior to start (if within 10 minutes of time limit that will be the final inning)

3.      Bunting is permitted.

4.      There will be one team warning given to each team for bat throwing. At the next occurrence, batter will be called out and a dead ball called. Runners do not advance.

5.       If a batter squares in an attempt to bunt, he cannot pull back and swing. There will be one team warning given to each team. At the next occurrence, the batter is out and a dead ball is called. Runners do not advance.


1.       A first and third base coach are allowed on the field while their team is at bat.


1.      Runners may steal after the ball crosses the plate. Runners may not advance home on a play made on a base runner. The runner on 3rd base must be hit or walked in – STEALING OF HOME IS NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

2.      Lead offs can be taken AFTER THE BALL CROSSES THE PLATE. If the umpire deems the runner left the base early one team warning will be given. The next occurrence will result in the runner being called out and a dead ball if the pitch is hit.

5.      Base runners are allowed to keep running until the ball is considered dead or ruled out of play. Defensive players are not allowed to call time out to stop base runner advancement.


1.      All male participants must wear a protective cup.

2.      Pitchers MUST wear helmets during their warm ups. Catchers must wear mask during warm -ups. If the catcher is not prepared coach or adult will warm up the pitcher at the start of an inning. Pitchers will be allowed 5 warmup pitches.

3.      There will be no head first sliding.

4.      Only molded cleats allowed on field.




Southline Little League is dedicated to the full development of ALL players regardless of age and skill.  The expectation of our coaches is that it is their responsibility to follow these guidelines so every player learns to enjoy the game.

 Each manager will be responsible for their team and parents.  It is important to everyone at Southline Sports, and our community, that we all show sportsmanship at all times.  Sportsmanship consists of positive coaching, attitudes, and encouragement at all times.


Travel players are required not just to be on a house roster but to show up and participate in games. The "half plus one" rule states that in order for a player to be eligible for a travel game, he must have participated in more than half of his house games to date. At the discretion of the board, eligibility to participate in travel games may  be suspended for any player who is not in compliance. Coaches, please let us know if you have a travel player who is neglecting house responsibilities.

Baseball Rules:


1.      Games played on a 70-ft. Little League regulation diamond.

2.      Games are 6 innings or two hour time limit – whichever comes first. A new inning cannot begin within 15 minutes of time limit.

3.      Catcher may not talk to the batter.

4.      Half inning ends after 6 runs are scored.

5.      After the third inning the losing team does not have the 6 run rule. They can score as many runs until the losing team at the beginning of the inning is up by 1 one. For example if team A is losing to team B 9-1 at the beginning of the 4th inning team A could make the score 9-10 then the inning would end

6.       12 +1 Rule will be in effect. If a team is up by at least 12 runs any time during an at bat, the teams switch. The trailing team will be at bat as usual. If the trailing team is still down by 12 runs, the leading team will be able to bat until 3 outs or a max of 1 run is scored. Once a run is scored, the defensive team returns to bat. This rule is only in effect if a team is up by 12.

7.      Use first and last names in the scorebook.

8.      For any rule not listed, refer to the Little League Handbook.


1.      Pitcher may a max of 60 pitches or total of 6 consecutive outs. Once removed off the mound, they cannot re-enter as a pitcher. If the pitcher is removed after 40 pitches they may not be allowed to play the catcher position. The following is a list of rest to pitch count required.

                                                              i.      51-60 Pitches= 3 days rest (played on Wednesday cannot pitch till Sunday)

                                                             ii.      36-50 Pitches = 2 Days Rest

                                                           iii.      21-35 Pitches = 1 Day Rest

                                                           iv.      1-20 Pitches = no rest needed

2.      Player Pitch Counts will need to be reported to Umpires at the end of the game

3.      The dropped 3rd strike rule is not in Effect.

4.      Balks will not be called


1.      No player may sit more than 1 inning until every player on the bench has sat 1 inning.

2.       Teams will use 9 players defensively.

Each player should be given the opportunity to play the widest range of infield and outfield positions possible.  However, player safety and confidence must be given consideration in making position assignments.


1.       Bats must comply with USA Baseball regulations and must be identified with USA Baseball identification.  There are no restrictions on bat diameter provided it complies with these regulations.

2.      Bat until 3 outs are made or 6 runs are scored or 12 run rule comes in effect.

3.      Bunting is permitted.

4.      There will be one team warning given to each team for bat throwing. At the next occurrence, batter will be called out and a dead ball called. Runners do not advance.

5.      If a batter squares in an attempt to bunt, he cannot pull back and swing. There will be one team warning given to each team. At the next occurrence, the batter is out and a dead ball is called. Runners do not advance.


1.       A first and third base coach are allowed on the field while their team is at bat.


1.      The base runner will not be allowed to steal a base while the catcher is returning the ball to the pitcher.

2.      Stealing home is not permitted!!

5.      On a hit base runners are allowed to keep running until the ball is considered dead or ruled out of play. Defensive players are not allowed to call time out to stop base runner advancement.


1.      Rule 2.00 of Little League rule book defines the infield fly as " a fair ball fly ball (not including a line drive or bunt) which can be caught by a infielder with ordinary effort, when first and second, or first, second and third bases are occupied before two are out. The pitcher, catcher, and any outfielder stationed in the infield on the play shall be considered infielders for the purpose of the rule."


1.      All male participants must wear a protective cup.

2.      Pitchers MUST wear helmets during their warm ups. Catchers must wear mask during warm -ups. If the catcher is not prepared coach or adult will warm up the pitcher at the start of an inning. Pitchers will be allowed 5 warmup pitches.

3.      There will be no head first sliding except  when returning to a base when leading-off.

4.      Only Molded Cleats allowed.


East Aurora, EMW, Southline 2024 Softball – 8U Rules

●        A complete game will consist of five (5) innings or two hours, whichever comes first.  No new inning will begin 120 minutes after first pitch.

●        If after 15 minutes one or both team(s) are unable to field 9 players, the team(s) will borrow players from each other to play the game. THERE ARE NO FORFEITS.

●        Field is reserved for warmups as follows: 

o   Visitors – take the field first, up to 15 minutes before game time 

o   Home Team – take the field for the final 15 minutes before game time

●        An 11-inch ball will be used for all games with a pitching machine located 30 feet from home plate. Each team will pitch their own bucket of balls.

●        All players are eligible to play every inning in the field at the coach’s discretion.  If the coach would like to play the standard 10 players in the field, that is fine, as long as no player sits 2 consecutive innings.   All players will be listed in line up and bat in order. After the offense scores five (5) runs in an inning, or the defense completes 3 outs, teams will switch sides.

●        Each batter is allowed six (6) total pitches. No umpiring of balls and strikes. No hit batsman. Adult at pitching machine will count total pitches and give a warning to the batter on the last pitch. The batter is out after six pitches. An at-bat will continue on a foul ball on the last pitch.

●        Base runners are allowed to lead off when the ball crosses the front of the plate.  Stealing is NOT allowed.

●     If batted ball hits the machine it is a dead ball single.  If there is a runner on base that is forced to advance, they advance.  However, if the runner is not forced to advance, they stay on base they are on.

●        No infield fly rule.

●        No intentional bunting.

●        On batted balls that do NOT leave the infield – each base runner may advance one base.

●        No advancing on a passed ball or overthrows.

●        On batted balls that leave the infield (ex., outfield grass) – base runners may continue to advance until the defensive team returns the ball to a defensive infielder. Base runners are limited to the base they are approaching, and may be returned to the previous base if runner is less than halfway to the next base. The defense is allowed to make plays against base runners until the play is “dead”.

●        Each fielding team should supply a coach or adult volunteer to back up and help advise the catcher. Two (2) defensive coaches are allowed in the outfield.

●        Base coaches will act as umpires. The 1st base coach is responsible for safe/out calls at 1st and 2nd base; the 3rd base coach is responsible for safe/out calls at 3rd base and home plate.

●        Pitcher’s helper must remain behind the pitching machine until ball makes contact with the bat and must wear a fielding mask or helmet with mask.

●        Fielding masks are highly recommended at all positions.  All batting helmets should have cages on the front. 

●        Rainouts: A decision will be made at 4:30. Check websites. Home coach should communicate with opponent coach. If weather becomes an issue after 4:30pm, it is up to the discretion of the home team coach to play the game.

●        Lightning: When lightning is seen or thunder is heard, the playing field is to be cleared immediately. Players should wait in vehicles for 30 minutes to determine if the storm is going to pass. Play cannot continue until 30 minutes have passed. Coaches will help to enforce the rules.

●        PLEASE REMEMBER – This is a game for kids.  Coaches and spectators should act accordingly.  Coaches should cooperate with the Game Umpire and each other in resolving questions regarding rules.  There should be no dispute over umpire calls as they are final.


East Aurora, EMW, Southline 2024 Softball – 10U Rules

●         A complete game will consist of five (5) innings or two hours (4 inning minimum), whichever comes first. No new innings will begin 120 minutes after first pitch.

●         If after 15 minutes one or both team(s) are unable to field 9 players, the team(s) will borrow players from each other to play the game. THERE ARE NO FORFEITS.

●         Mercy Rule: There is no Mercy Rule

●         Field is reserved for warmups as follows:

o    Visitors – take the field first, up to 15 minutes before game time

o    Home Team – take field the final 15 minutes before game time

●         An 11-inch ball will be player pitched from mound located 35 feet from home plate. Each team will provide their own ball.

●         Pitchers are limited to three (3) innings per game in any order. One pitch in an inning constitutes an inning pitched.

●         All players will be listed in line up and bat in order. After the offense scores five (5) runs in an inning, or the defense completes 3 outs, teams will switch sides (except the last inning is unlimited runs). Coaches must acknowledge the start of the last inning base on inning or time. In the event of an injury a player can be removed from the lineup without penalty.

●         For 10U, a generous strike zone of shoulders to shins will be used.

●         Bunting is allowed.

●         No infield fly rule.

●         No dropped third strike.

●         Base runners are allowed to lead off after the ball leaves the pitchers hand. Runners may only advance one (1) base per pitch when stealing. Sliding should be taught and encouraged.

●         A runner stealing a base may be played on, but NO additional bases will be allowed as a result of a misplay or overthrow. Catchers will be encouraged to throw the ball down on a steal without penalty (i.e. advancing of the runner) if the throw is off target. In no case is a runner ever allowed to steal home, or advance home on a ball that is thrown away.

●         Overthrows to a base are live balls, unless the ball goes out of play in which the umpire will award the baserunner one additional base.

●         Runner can only advance to home on a batted ball, walk or hit by pitch.

●         Catcher speed up rule is in effect.

●         The play is over when the pitcher has control of the ball within the pitcher’s circle. If the runner (advanced batter) is more than halfway to the next base, she is awarded that base. If runner is less than halfway, she goes back to the base she last touched. A ball returned from the catcher after a pitch is considered a dead ball. Ball becomes live after the next pitch.

●         Defense can field up to ten (10) players and not bench a player for more than 3 innings.

●         Outfielders must start each play on the grass

●         Rainouts: A decision will be made at 4:30. Check websites. Home coach should communicate with opponent coach. If weather becomes an issue after 4:30pm, it is up to the discretion of the home team coach to play the game.

●         Lightning: When lightning is seen or thunder is heard, the playing field is to be cleared immediately. Players should wait in vehicles for 30 minutes to determine if the storm is going to pass. Play cannot continue until 30 minutes have passed. Coaches will help to enforce the rules.

●         Home League will supply umpire.

●         PLEASE REMEMBER – This is a game for kids.  Coaches and spectators should act accordingly.  Coaches should cooperate with the Game Umpire and each other in resolving questions regarding rules.  There should be no dispute over umpire calls as they are final.


East Aurora, EMW, Southline 2024 Softball – 12U Rules

●        A complete game will consist of six (6) innings or two hours (4 inning minimum), whichever comes first. No new innings will begin 120 minutes after first pitch. Mercy Rule - If a team holds a 15-run lead after five (5) innings, the game is over.

●        If after 15 minutes one or both team(s) are unable to field 9 players, the team(s) will borrow players from each other to play the game. THERE ARE NO FORFEITS.

●        Field is reserved for warmups as follows:

o    Visitors – take the field first, up to 15 minutes before game time

o    Home Team – take field the final 15 minutes before game time

●        A 12-inch ball will be player pitched from mound located 40 feet from home plate. Each team will provide their own ball. Pitchers are limited to three (3) innings per game in any order. One pitch in an inning constitutes an inning pitched.

●        All players will be listed in line up and bat in order. After the offense scores five (5) runs in an inning, or the defense completes 3 outs, teams will switch sides (except the last inning is unlimited runs). Coaches must acknowledge the start of the last inning base on inning or time. In the event of an injury, a player can be removed from the lineup without penalty.

●        For 12U, a generous strike zone of chest to knees will be used.

●        Bunting is allowed.

●        Dropped 3rd strike allowed.

●        Infield fly rule in effect.

●        Base runners are allowed to lead off after the ball leaves the pitchers hand. They are also allowed to steal, including home and sliding must be taught and encouraged. Fielders cannot block base without possession of the ball.

●        The batter must exit the batters box on an unbatted steal attempt.  If they do not exit the batters box, the runner is automatically out. 

●        The play is over when the pitcher has control of the ball in the pitcher’s circle AND any runners have stopped at or returned to base.

●        Defense will field nine (9) players and not bench a player for more than 3 innings.

●        Rainouts: A decision will be made at 4:30. Check websites. Home coach should communicate with opponent coach. If weather becomes an issue after 4:30pm, it is up to the discretion of the home team coach to play the game.

●        Lightning: When lightning is seen or thunder is heard, the playing field is to be cleared immediately. Players should wait in vehicles for 30 minutes to determine if the storm is going to pass. Play cannot continue until 30 minutes have passed. Coaches will help to enforce the rules.

●        Home League will supply umpire.

●        PLEASE REMEMBER – This is a game for kids.  Coaches and spectators should act accordingly.  Coaches should cooperate with the Game Umpire and each other in resolving questions regarding rules.  There should be no dispute over umpire calls as they are final.


Contact Us

Southline Athletic Association

PO BOX 352 
Cheektowaga, New York 14225

Email: [email protected]

Southline Athletic Association

PO BOX 352 
Cheektowaga, New York 14225

Email: [email protected]
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